what to expect from lower back disk surgery for herniated

The near common variant of spinal injury is a herniated disc.

This condition tin can cause back or neck pain, arm or leg discomfort and even advance into more complicated syndromes such every bit sciatica, pinched nerves, radiculopathy, or myelopathy. Fortunately, herniated discs can at present be safely repaired (Deuk Laser Disc Repair) past a qualified surgeon competent in the proper technique. Repairing herniated discs is now possible; however, it requires extensive training in endoscopic spine surgery and skill using medical grade Holmium-YAG lasers. More than invasive but less successful treatments for herniated discs, such as fusion or total disc replacement are more than readily available worldwide but have bad complications, longer recovery and require the utilise of unsafe opioid painkillers for weeks after surgery is completed.

What Is a Herniated Disc?

There are 23 intervertebral discs in the spinal cavalcade: 6 cervical, 12 thoracic, and 5 lumbar. These discs are soft tissue joints composed of a hydraulic gelatinous core called the nucleus pulposus encased within a business firm outer collagen wall termed the annulus fibrosus. The discs protect the spinal vertebrae and nerves  from sudden bear on. They also absorb daze from movements of the spine like bending, twisting and jumping. Unfortunately, the disc's outer wall, the annulus fibrosus, tin can develop traumatic tears (annular tear), allowing the jelly-like nucleus pulposus to push backward out of the tear into the spinal canal or neural foramen.

The part of the jelly nucleus pulposus that pushes out through the tear is called the herniation. In many cases, this hernia can impinge on a nerve, giving rise to inflammation and irritation of the affected nerve.

Disc herniation is caused past several factors which can affect the joints individually or as a combination. The most prevalent of these factors is wear and tear in the spine. As humans historic period, the cartilage that connects the discs in the spine to the corresponding vertebrae members can get lax and lose elasticity. Herniated discs can likewise be acquired by sudden touch and trauma from accidents or falls.


Herniated Disc Surgery: What Y'all Need to Know

When herniated discs crusade back or cervix pain and the hurting doesn't resolve on its own within a few months, surgery on the disc becomes the best treatment selection.

If you would like to know more nigh potential causes of dorsum and next pain, sentinel the video below;

The type of surgery used to treat herniated discs is called spine surgery and traditionally included microdiscectomy and spine fusions until various more avant-garde techniques were developed, like deuk laser disc repair, to expedite recovery and operation time and ameliorate hurting relief capability. More than traditional spine surgery is performed nether general anesthesia. Upon completion, patients are typically required to remain in the infirmary for observation, ranging from 2 days to multiple weeks. Additional post-surgery requirements are stipulated to forbid overexertion of the back and avert post-operative re-damage.

In that location are different surgery options available for patients who have been diagnosed with herniated discs. The surgical treatment choice typically depends on two factors; the associated symptoms and severity of the patient'southward injury. These options range from minimally invasive surgical procedures to bogus disc replacements or spinal fusion in extreme cases. Earlier a procedure is selected, patients are advised to consult a spine expert to conduct a full MRI scan and allow for a thorough exam and subsequent localized diagnosis.

The most avant-garde surgery in the world for a herniated disc is the Deuk Laser Disc Repair. This procedure is performed endoscopically with a small 7mm incision. The surgery is virtually bloodless and takes 30 minutes per disc beingness repaired. You heard correctly, your ain natural disc will be repaired then that it no longer causes you hurting and the effect is permanent. The light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation employed for this procedure is the most precise medical instrument currently bachelor for surgical use with an impressive ½ millimeter precision. A high definition endoscopic view inside the damaged disc is used to maximize accuracy of the newly developed (at Deuk Spine Constitute exclusively)  annular debridement, performed to eliminate painful tissue inside the disc. Only the laser annuluar debridement of the Deuk Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation Disc Repair procedure will  permit natural disc healing without the need for metal screws-rods, bogus discs or dangerous biological spine implants used by surgeons to promote fusion. What this ways for patients choosing Deuk Laser Disc Repair is that recovery time is shorter, less than ane hour, compared to long recovery times for fusions, laminectomies and bogus discs which terminal months. Finally, when you compare Deuk Laser Disc Repair to other types of spine surgery, DLDR has the highest hurting relief (98%), lowest chance of surgical complications (zero to date), fastest recovery (52 minute average), to the lowest degree amount of blood loss (average of 10 drops), lowest cost and fastest return to work and life. Why would anyone want invasive, dangerous surgery that works less than 50% of the time? In fact, when y'all actually understand how much better Deuk Laser Disc Repair is than traditional surgeries like microdiscectomy, laminectomy, spinal fusion or total disc replacement, your listen is easily made. Traditional spine surgery is dangerous to your health and completely unnecessary.

An MRI scan and a detailed physical test are necessary to institute the herniation's scope, location, and degree(s). Later on, a suitable surgical process can exist recommended if information technology is considered necessary.

Why Surgery for Herniated disc is Performed

Herniated disc surgery is usually conducted to alleviate the effects of the herniated disc. Under general circumstances, herniated discs cause pain because of the nerve fibers around the inflamed tear in the annulus. Inflammation occurs when the herniated nucleus pulposus wedges itself inside the annular tear. The effect of this "interposed" herniated nucleus pulposus on the annular tear is to generate a powerful inflammatory response inside the disc. Leg or arm pain occurs when the herniated disc irritates or  pinches a nerve, it affects the sensory and motor areas continued to the nervus root. Therefore, patients who suffer from a herniated disc might experience difficulty in completing basic daily tasks.

In about cases, such patients lose sensation in sure parts of the trunk, ranging from the arms to the palms and fingers. Specific affected regions will depend on the location of the herniated discs inside the spine as cervical and lumbar disc herniation tend to cause different symptoms.  It is likewise quite usual to feel pain in the shoulders, legs, neck, and back due to the inflammation of the nerve roots that command motility in these regions. All these symptoms can be discomforting and obstructive to mean solar day-to-day activities. Thus, surgery becomes necessary to subdue the effect of herniated discs. This is accomplished by relieving the pressure that the herniated disc tissue exerts on the afflicted spinal nerve and removing the crusade of nerve inflammation, i.e., the herniated portion of the tissue.


Should yous have surgery for a herniated disc?

If you are in pain, yes! Opting for surgery depends on the patient's diagnosis besides as personal preferences. Surgery for a painful disc herniation is recommended for patients who have attempted medical treatments for dorsum pain or neck pain for at least ii months. During the offset 2 months after injury, patients should endeavour non-surgical treatments such as activeness restrictions,  therapy and anti-inflammatory medication earlier turning to spinal surgery equally a terminal resort.  In that location are exceptions to this general rule and they include pinched nerves, spinal cord damage and spinal instability, all of which need immediate surgery without delay.

Traditional types of spine surgery are commonly performed by surgeons not trained in the latest surgical techniques, merely are they the patient's best option? There are a variety of options that patients can explore outside of traditional lumbar discectomy, laminectomy or microdiscectomy, all of which can simply ease leg symptoms at best and exercise zilch for back pain. For case, oral pain medications and administrable injections will marginally reduce the effects of herniated discs, including the associated arm or leg pain or radiculopathy because the medications effects are non targeted to the source of pain but diluted throughout the body. Bourgeois measures include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and epidural steroid injection. The problem is that these medications accept short-lived beneficial effects at best and patients would need a lifetime of treatments not to mention the side effects and complications that frequently occur from their prolonged use.

Patients can also opt for concrete therapy and practice only unfortunately neither will cease the hurting emanating from a damaged disc and most patients report that therapy aggravates their pain when it comes from a herniated disc. Physiotherapy is widely recommended for all herniated discs patients, regardless of whether they choose to accept surgery or not. The purpose of therapy is to maintain good posture, balance and tone while the body attempts to heal the damaged disc(s) on its own. However, doctors will ofttimes recommend surgery if the status is severe and causing prolonged hurting and disability. Rare symptoms might include a loss of control of both float and bowel movements. In such cases, immediate medical action is recommended earlier complications develop in the digestive organisation.

Every bit a general guide, herniated disc surgery is appropriate for patients who exhibit whatever of the following symptoms;

  • Back hurting (with or without leg pain)
  • Neck pain (with or without arm pain)
  • Hurting, weakness or numbness in affected regions of arms or legs, depending on the location of the herniated disc in the spine.
  • Difficulty in completing motor functions similar walking and continuing
  • Waiting for loss of bladder and bowel control is waiting too long

Surgery Options for a Herniated Disc

Spinal surgery is the most effective method for the treatment of herniated discs, including bulging discs, in the spine. Below, we highlight some of the procedures offered past Deuk Spine Plant;

Deuk Laser Disc Repair

This revolutionary procedure is Deuk Spine Establish's specialized alternative to dangerous invasive surgeries like spinal fusion or full disc replacement. The laser disc repair does non weaken or compromise the wellness and integrity of the spine. Our modernized arroyo to laser spine surgery has a 95% success rate with no complications in whatsoever patient over 15 years of performing this procedure and over 1,300 patients treated.


Deuk laser disc repair surgery is a form of endoscopic spine surgery performed in our state of the fine art surgery heart nether sedation while the patient relaxes. Through a ¼ inch incision, the injured disc is visualized using an endoscope and alive imaging via a high definition camera attached to the spinal endoscope. With this method, Dr. Deukmedjian carefully eliminates only the injured disc tissue causing pain and discomfort and leaves the rest of the patient'due south own natural disc in place to preserve spinal motion and part. Fusions and artificial discs are not necessary because the patient's repaired natural disc is left in place.

Deuk Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation Disc Repair uses a precision light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation to vaporize the herniated tissue and provide the near constructive light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation spine surgery available. Bone and surrounding tissues are non damaged or removed during this process, unlike traditional microdiscectomy, bogus discs  and spinal fusions.

Dr. Ara Deukmedjian uses FDA approved tools to admission the disc through a natural space in the spine where he does non drill through bone as is washed with microdiscectomy. Drilling through bone weakens the spine, which leads to future complications that may require fusion surgery. In one case the herniation and annular tear have been gently vaporized, the body tin can heal naturally. Irritation around the spine decreases, and neurological symptoms from nerve root pressure subside. In time, the disc functions as it did earlier injury and herniation. After surgery, patients wake upwardly to immediate relief and a surgical scar so small-scale the surgeon can cover information technology with a Band-aid. Only a few drops of blood are lost and no hospitalization is required. All 1,300 Deuk Laser Disc Repair surgeries done to appointment take been outpatient with a 1 hour recovery.

Deuk Laser Disc Repair surgery video

Patient Reviews

"The surgery only takes about i hour. Throughout the unabridged operation, I did not feel a thing. I woke up and all my pain was gone. I am walking better than I take in years."

"Information technology was such a wonderful professional experience. Dr Deuk is the best in the earth. I but have a lilliputian pimple-sized incision and admittedly no scars. My full range of motion is dorsum and I tin non wait to go back to dancing and all the things I have been so nervous about. I could weep, I am then happy."

Cost Structure

The cost for this procedure includes fees charged for the post-obit;

  • Surgeon
  • Assistant
  • Surgery middle
  • Postoperative evaluation
  • Anesthesiologist

Asking a free MRI review for a complete quote


There are 2 variants of discectomy surgery that patients can undergo; an open discectomy or a microdiscectomy. Discectomy is far more invasive than endoscopic light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation spine surgery and equally such has more complications, postoperative hurting, longer recovery and more scar tissue.

The main distinction is that an open discectomy features a larger incision, more normal spinal bone and ligaments are removed, more scar tissue and pain than a microdiscectomy. This procedure gives room for the underlying risk of nerve damage to the neighboring fretfulness of the vertebrae. The spinal column can as well go unstable due to the removed bones, ligaments, and facet joints. In such cases, a spinal fusion is conducted following the discectomy to re-stabilize the spinal column, marginally increasing the patient's recovery time.

Spinal Fusion

Spinal fusion can exist done to care for painful disc herniations. This surgery is far more invasive than laser spine surgery or discectomies. The outcomes of fusion are ameliorate for treatment of back pain and neck hurting when compared to discectomy because the fusion stops movement at a painful joint. Fusions are harder for spine surgeons to perform properly and many spinal fusions are done with poor planning and technique resulting in bad outcomes for the patient. You tin can run into a comparison of cervical fusion to deuk laser disc repair here:

Lumbar disc herniations can be fused with skilful success but the dangers and invasiveness of fusions is far greater in the lower back as seen in this comparison video here.

When to accept back surgery for herniated disc

It is not uncommon for herniated disc symptoms to naturally heal over days or weeks. Patients can immediately prepare to undergo surgery in cases where severe symptoms persist, such as those addressed in the section to a higher place; (Should Y'all Accept Surgery for Your Herniated Disc).

Patients are e'er advised to accept an MRI browse done before opting for back surgery or any other class of herniated disc handling. This is always useful to ascertain the full extent of the condition and determine the appropriate surgical procedure. If you accept already completed this step and would like a free consultation on your MRI scan, please submit information technology hither, and our team will reach out to you. In cases where the herniated disc causes a pinched nerve, an EMG-NCS may also be ordered. For patients unable to get an MRI browse due to restrictions, a CT scan could be useful.

How to prepare for herniated disc surgery

Once a patient decides to undergo herniated disc surgery, the natural next stride is to prepare for it. This procedure begins by organizing a consultation with the operating surgeon to found certain information such as the expected recovery rate, any side effects to be anticipated, a follow-through of the operating procedure, dietary or lifestyle restrictions to follow, and other related queries.

While this is non a requirement, the patient is also encouraged to comport an contained groundwork search on the clinic. It is advisable to research basic information such as the reputation of the clinic, its physicians, and any past testimonials.

At Deuk Spine Institute, we advise patients to complete a series of tests before fixing their surgery appointment. These include Lab tests, EKG, and clearance (possible chest X-Ray). Full disclosure on all existing medication is likewise required from our patients. This is necessary to prescribe replacement medication that will help the surgery and post-op recovery process.

What to expect after herniated disc surgery

Herniated disc surgery is a highly effective handling for spinal discs conditions. Recovery periods and rates will typically vary depending on the surgery type and the surgeon's competence.

Patients are brash to appoint the services of a concrete therapist to hasten the recovery menstruation. This has many advantages, including regaining mobility faster and preventing injuries due to careless movement.

A full general recovery guide is to abstain from strenuous physical activeness for a few weeks following the process. This usually involves lifting heavy objects, prolonged sitting or standing, and any angle or stretching activity.

When you lot undergo your surgery with Deuk Spine Institute, the post-op recovery phase is accelerated. Our patients enjoy personalized rehabilitation therapy with our in-house specialist, who prescribes exercises to recondition the muscle and foreclose irritation.

Herniated disc surgery success rates

Herniated disc surgery naturally has a high success rate. Nigh patients are often able to resume their normal lifestyle inside days of undergoing surgery. At Deuk Spine Institute, our patients receive expert outpatient intendance, eliminating the need for hospitalization and the consequent risk of infection or complications. Patients can leave immediately after their surgery, and they tin can await to exist back to their usual schedule within days.

If you would like to enjoy premium patient-oriented care delivered past world-class physicians, contact us at Deuk Spine Institute today. We also offering free consultation on your MRI scan. Visit our site here to kickoff your treatment.


Source: https://deukspine.com/herniated-disc-surgery/

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